News: Lecture at University of Mons

On the 24th of February 2022 , in Mons, architect Ángel Borrego Cubero gave a lecture addressed to the students of the Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de l’Université de Mons, of the Service de Génie Architectural et Urbain de la Faculté Polytechnique and of the École Supérieure des Arts-Arts2.

Alongside the lecture, there were also several screenings of  “The Competition”, the documentary film on competitions of architecture made by Borrego.

The lecture and the screenings, were part of “Jeudi Archi“, an event organised by the Université de Mons,  l’Ordre des Architectes de la Province de Hainaut and Plaza Arthouse de Mons.

News: new chapter of Professor Justo Isasi’s lessons

Confinement must give us something positive: We have been able to finish editing and translating to English one more chapter in the series dedicated to Professor Justo Isasi’s classes. “Telling stories with lines” is the third drawn lesson from the six that Professor Justo Isasi gave in the spring of 2016 at ETSAM (Higher Technical School of Architecture in Madrid) and covers representations from Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Augustus Pugin to Le Corbusier and Rem Koolhaas. Thanks to the collaboration with Plataforma Arquitectura and Archdaily, these wonderful classes can be enjoyed beyond the ETSAM classrooms. This is a non-profit project lead by Ángel Borrego Cubero.

News: “La Vallita Mágica” reviewed in Diario16

Jaume Prat Ortells reviews our project “La Vallita Mágica” in his section at Diario16 newspaper: “El mobiliario urbano, que se podría instalar fácilmente, segrega una parte del espacio público para los niños únicamente durante el rato que éstos lo necesitan. Este elemento es perfectible y puede adosarse a una fachada para crear una especie de patio inglés para los centros educativos más pequeños, o para los pequeños patios de servicio. OSS, el estudio de Ángel Borrego, ha decidido bautizar este invento como La Vallita Mágica. La gestión es sencilla: conseguir que, en el caso de Madrid, el Ayuntamiento y la Comunidad, titulares los unos del espacio público y los otros de las escuelas, se pongan de acuerdo. El espacio no queda privatizado, sino segregado en horas de recreo y equipado con un nuevo mobiliario urbano el resto del tiempo.”

News: USS shortlisted at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture

“Urban Space Station. An advanced greenhouse to make urban life better”, a project by Angel Borrego Cubero and Natalie Jeremijenko, is a shortlisted project at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (XIV BEAU).

News: USS In show at exhibition HINCHABLES

Urban Space Station (USS), a project by Angel Borrego Cubero and Natalie Jeremijenko is part of the exhibition  “HINCHABLES, La Galería. Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño español”, an eclectic collection of projects of different scales, with different objectives, made from different parts of the world by Spanish authors throughout the 21st century with a common denominator: The use of air as a structural key, theme and generating element. The exhibition opens on November 16, at the Architecture Centre Las Arquerías de los Nuevos Ministerios in Madrid and has been curated by Carmen Blasco, Carmelo Rodríguez Cedillo, Ángela Gayol, ESPACIO LANUBE, Luis de LaMadrid. A catalog edited by Con Arquitectura, accompanies the exhibition.

News: Exposición Vigilada in show at CDAN, in Huesca

Starting today, November 2, 2017 through March 4, 2018, the video installation `Exposición Vigilada´ (Surveilled Exhibition) by Ángel Borrego Cubero can be seen at Centro de Arte y Naturaleza – CDAN (National Museum of Art and Nature), in Huesca. Here you can listen to Ángel developing about his video art work.

News: Conference on the Competition Culture in Europe

Amsterdam, September 28 – 29: Angel Borrego Cubero is one of the researchers to contribute at the International Conference on the Competition Culture in Europe, organized by Architectuur Lokaal: How can architects, especially the new generation, find out what competitions are being organized in Europe? What considerations should they make to participate in an architectural selection in another country? And how big is that chance of submitting a winning entry? Architectural selections for contracts under European thresholds are not announced on the official website TED. These smaller assignments often stay under the radar and in addition, not all European countries are EU members. A two-day International Conference on the Competition Culture in Europe at the start of a four-year program.
