Lecture at ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture

On May 16th 2023, Ángel Borrego Cubero will give a conference at ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture in which he will talk about the challenges we have faced and the solutions we have adopted for the rehabilitation of La Carbonería, the oldest standing building in the Eixample iconic neighborhood of Barcelona. Built in the 19th century by Narcis Tarragó, at a time of confrontation between Ildefons Cerdá and the Barcelona City Council over what the future Eixample should be like, the building bears the imprint of those tense moments in its strange configuration: it has got 4 facades. The most spectacular of them remained hidden and inaccessible until 150 years later when the history of the building was studied and it was decided to protect it due to its relevance in understanding modern Barcelona. On how we have addressed the diversity of significance layers that the building holds, how we have recovered that façade for the city and other stories about the building and its rehabilitation process, are themes Ángel Borrego will tackle in the Aula de Graus, next Tuesday, starting at 1:00 p.m.

We thank the ETSAB Cultural Activities Area team for the opportunity to present our works; in particular, to Enric Granell Trias, Deputy Director of Culture of the ETSAB; and Carolina B. García Estévez, Deputy Director of Publications.

Documentary for La Biennale Architettura di Venezia 2023

On February 21, 2023, the program of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia has been announced. It is an honor and not a small responsibility for our practice to assume the task of documenting the creative and work processes that will take place in what will be the first edition of the Biennale College Architettura. We are grateful to curator Lesley Lokko and President Roberto Cicutto for selecting us for this mission, which we will try to carry out with honesty and authenticity.

For the first time ever, the Biennale Architettura will include the Biennale College Architettura, which will run from 25 June to 22 July 2023. Fifteen renowned international tutors – Samia Henni, Marina Otero, Nana Biamah-Ofosu, Thireshen Govender, Lorenzo Romito, Jacopo Galli, Philippa Tumubweinee, Ngillan Gbadebo Faal, Rahesh Ram, Guillermo Fernández-Abascal, Urtzi Grau, Samir Pandya, Alice Clancy, Sarah de Villiers and Manijeh Verghese – will work with fifty students, early career practitioners and academics from around the world, selected by curator Lesley Lokko through an Open Call process over the four weeks of the teaching programme. At the conclusion of the Call on February 17th, 986 applications had been received. An international cast of critics will join the College in July.

A documentary of this educational experience will be directed by architect Ángel Borrego Cubero and released this fall.

Guest speaker at the 16th Urban Commerce Congress of Vitoria

Angel Borrego Cubero has been a speaker at URBAN COMMERCE 2022 – XVI Foro sobre Comercio Urbano  (the 2022 Urban Commerce Congress) organized by the Vitoria City Council. He participated at the debate titled “El comercio de proximidad en las nuevas dinámicas urbanas” (Local commerce in the new urban dynamics) with Lluís Frago Clols, Professor at the Department of Geography at the University of Barcelona and Pilar Zorrilla Calvo, Professor at the University of the Basque Country, Marketing and Market Research Area , who also moderated the discussion.

Lecture at University of Mons

On the 24th of February 2022 , in Mons, architect Ángel Borrego Cubero gave a lecture addressed to the students of the Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de l’Université de Mons, of the Service de Génie Architectural et Urbain de la Faculté Polytechnique and of the École Supérieure des Arts-Arts2.

Alongside the lecture, there were also several screenings of  “The Competition”, the documentary film on competitions of architecture made by Borrego.

The lecture and the screenings, were part of “Jeudi Archi“, an event organised by the Université de Mons,  l’Ordre des Architectes de la Province de Hainaut and Plaza Arthouse de Mons.

La Vallita Mágica initiative, reviewed in Diario16

Jaume Prat Ortells reviews our project “La Vallita Mágica” in his section at Diario16 newspaper: “El mobiliario urbano, que se podría instalar fácilmente, segrega una parte del espacio público para los niños únicamente durante el rato que éstos lo necesitan. Este elemento es perfectible y puede adosarse a una fachada para crear una especie de patio inglés para los centros educativos más pequeños, o para los pequeños patios de servicio. OSS, el estudio de Ángel Borrego, ha decidido bautizar este invento como La Vallita Mágica. La gestión es sencilla: conseguir que, en el caso de Madrid, el Ayuntamiento y la Comunidad, titulares los unos del espacio público y los otros de las escuelas, se pongan de acuerdo. El espacio no queda privatizado, sino segregado en horas de recreo y equipado con un nuevo mobiliario urbano el resto del tiempo.”

USS, shortlisted at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture

“Urban Space Station. An advanced greenhouse to make urban life better”, a project by Angel Borrego Cubero and Natalie Jeremijenko, is a shortlisted project at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (XIV BEAU).
