Angel Borrego, guest speaker at the presentation of the magazine Arquitectura

On Monday, October 30, 7:00 p.m., the issue #386 of the magazine Arquitectura will be presented at the COAM Architects Association of Madrid The documentary The Competition will be screened, followed by a conversation between Ángel Borrego Cubero, architect and director of the documentary; Remedios Zafra, researcher at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC and author, among other things, of the book “El Entusiasmo. Precariedad y trabajo creativo en la era digital” (Enthusiasm. Precariousness and creative work in the digital age), an Anagrama Essay awardee in 2017; Luis Rojo, architect and guest editor of issue #386; Alejandro Valdivieso and Silvia Muñoz, director and member of the editorial team of Arquitectura magazine, respectively.

The film will be shown in Original Version (multiple languages) with Spanish subtitles.

Free access, registration is required.

Factoria Cultural, 3rd Prize RTF Sustainability Awards – Offices

Factoría Cultural Matadero Madrid has won the 3rd Prize at Rethinking The Future Sustainability Awards – “Office” category. RTF Awards is a competition organized by an editorial from India, focused on innovation and sustainability in the built environment

Speaker at the Seminar Alternatives XIII Spanish Biennial

13-14.10.2016, Granada, Seminar Alternatives XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture: “San Isidro. Open Factory. Premises for rescuing an abandoned industrial heritage site”: Angel Borrego Cubero will talk about the Cultural Factory in El Matadero Madrid as a successful example of intervention into industrial heritage.

We are part of the exhibition`Letters to the Mayor´

Ángel Borrego Cubero is one of the 70 experts invited by the curators of the exhibition “Letters to the Mayor” to raise issues for the improvement of Madrid. This project began in New York in 2014 with a series of letters written by a wide selection of international architects who were addressing them to their respective mayors. Later editions, organized in collaboration with local institutions and groups have incorporated relevant voices at local and international level to the offices of elected mayors and public awareness, focusing on specific cities as a way to explore specific areas: Panama, Bogota, Taipei , Athens, Buenos Aires, Mexico City and São Paulo.

On the occasion of the XIII Architecture Week, the city of Madrid joined the initiative of  Storefront for Art and Architecture. The exhibition has been curated by Enorme Estudio and Moneo – Brock.

Biennale’s Golden Lion for the Spanish Pavilion

The Spanish Pavilion at the 15 Biennale di Venezia was awarded the Golden Lion. The Cultural Factory in El Matadero Madrid, designed by Ángel Borrego Cubero /Office for Strategic Spaces, has been selected to be part of the Spanish Pavilion at the 15 Biennale di Venezia – Architecture (May 28 – Nov 27, 2016). The pavilion, curated in this edition by Iñaqui Carnicero and Carlos Quintans, is titled “Unfinished” and gathers 55 selected architecture works, 7 photography series and 12 entries to the call for ideas.

Dissemination Award at 13 Spanish Architecture Biennial

The feature documentary The Competition produced by Office for Strategic Spaces has been awarded an Architecture Dissemination Award at the XIII Spanish Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.

Research Award at the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture

Research Award at the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism ( XIII BEAU,  Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) “Historia de la Escuela” (The School History) a research conducted by Ángel Borrego Cubero within the Research Group Emergent Practices of the Architectural Design Dept. of the School of Architecture from Madrid – ETSAM.  Authors: Ángel Borrego Cubero (coordinator) Juan Herreros, Emilio Tuñón, Jacobo García-Germán, Lina Toro, David Archilla, Alberto Pieltaín, José María Sánchez, Juan Paulo Alarcón Carreño (scholarship MPAA). Collaborators on behalf of Office for Strategic Spaces: María Ángeles Peñalver Izaguirre, Simona Rota.

4th Prize at design competition Espacio Mahou

The entry “Mensaje en una botella” (Message in a bottle) by Office for Strategic Spaces won the 4th Prize  in the competition for the upcoming Espacio Mahou, organized by Mahou San Miguel with the collaboration of the Architects’ Association from Madrid (COAM). Out of 160 entries, 5 offices only were selected as finalists to go to the second stage of the competition, Office for Strategic Spaces – OSS being one of the five.

Credits. A project by Office for Strategic Spaces/ Author: Ángel Borrego Cubero/ Architecture Team: Ana Isabel Alonso, Pablo Fernández Cueto, Belén Relloso/ Consultants: Xavier Aguilo – BAC (structure), Alex Ivancic- Aiguasol (sustainability)
Jesús Cerezo – Envolventes Arquitectónicas (glass)

Factoria Cultural won the Award COAM’15 with Special Mention

Ángel Borrego Cubero has been awarded the COAM Award’15 with Special Mention for his work Factoría Cultural, an creative industries hub at Matadero Madrid. The Awards COAM are annually given by the Architects’ Association from Madrid to the best architecture achievements in the region of Madrid. See here the awarded works.
