Hotel Proforma

The competition for the Hotel Proforma, in Denmark, advocated the review of the structure and conditions of contemporary public space. We thought it useful to have some especially fertile projects from the last decades as journey companions. The typical architectural program does not negotiate the boundaries between outside and inside, between private and public, between property and enjoyment… Instead, it solidifies them for the sake of administrative comfort in real estate production processes. We understand architecture just as the negotiation of those boundaries… We can think of architectural space and the different programs as mere changes in their conditioning characteristics.

Youth Fair Juvenalia

The spatial organization of a fair is a monotone, dreary affair; for a celebration like Juvenalia (a youth fair in Madrid), then, it can be a problem. We tried to intensify its basic features: displays and attractions are concentrated as much as possible, while at the access we leave a large eventless space. To the mandatory streets, a diagonal is added. Contrast between crammed and labyrinthine space and another one that is free and open. Spatial organization as entertainment: combined with a location system, the entire fair becomes the site of a game of hide and seek. The façade of the exhibitors and attractions overlooking the open space is full of projections, the biggest one being the location panel of the hide and seek game.
